Author Archives:
Snapshots of World War 2: My Father
Frans van Heugten, my father, lying in the dunes probably watching my mother swim in the winter in Scheveningen, a [then] small beach town near The Hague. My father was an intellectual, always reading, quiet and somewhat shy. Within the family, though, we knew his wit and humor. Oh, and I left out stubborn. He defined […]
Homestretch For The Tulip Eaters!
So it is. On Tuesday, October 29, my second novel, THE TULIP EATERS, will make its way into the world. How does it feel? Crazy. Fantastic. Incredible. All true.When I wrote SAVING MAX and it wasn’t published for ten years (yes, you should have seen my face then, when my neck didn’t resemble a frightened […]
Get Rid of My Books? Are You Insane?
Okay. It’s a little messy. A lot messy. But I’ve spent my life collecting every volume on those shelves. (There are four other floor-to-ceiling bookshelves just like this one, but I couldn’t fit them into one shot.) There are a few first editions, but most of them wouldn’t bring a buck at a used bookstore. […]